Capacity Support:
1) Project Planning & Development
Whiskeyjack Group provides services to assist clients to identify and plan all of the major activities related to a project from the initial evaluation to the final implementation stages. These services are beneficial for clients who are at the early stages of assessing a new opportunity and need assistance to determine the overall timelines for a project as well as the level of investment required to assess and implement a project. Depending on the client’s needs, we can assist clients to:
Create a plan covering the overall project timelines, steps, activities and costs
Describe the opportunity and major options that need to be evaluated
Identify activities that need to be undertaken including assessments, planning and design activities, accessing capital and financing and implementing the project
Identify activities related to obtaining land tenure and to meeting environmental requirements
Determine activities related to regulatory and permitting or licensing requirements
Identify potential sources of funding and financing
2) Project Monitoring & Reporting
We provide services to assist clients to implement and monitor projects and to complete reporting for government grants and contributions:
Project management planning (cashflows, timelines, responsibilities)
Tracking project revenues, expenditures and payments
Tracking milestones
Tracking project deliverables
Preparing claims for payment
Preparing reports
3) Financial Analysis
Whiskeyjack Group completes various analyses for clients who are usually at the early stages of assessing a new opportunity. Depending on their needs, we assist clients to identify and assess:
The project costs that need to be factored into a project
Potential funding and financing options for a project
The potential project cash flows related to a project
Various scenarios and alternatives
The likelihood of profitability
Other financial performance indicators (Payback, Return on Investment, Breakeven, Sensitivity Analysis, Net Present Value, etc.)
4) Market Research & Community Engagement
We assist Indigenous communities to research the local market and to conduct community engagement activities related to economic development:
Economic Development surveys
Local market research
Pamphlets and information sheets
PowerPoint presentations
5) Land Designations & Leases
We assist First Nations to plan for and to complete land designations, leases and permits for on-reserve projects. Whiskeyjack Group works with the client to identify all activities that need to be undertaken to successfully obtain land tenure for their project. Land Use Planning / Other?
6) Business Development Training
Whiskeyjack Group provides presentations and workshops on various business development topics:
Business Development
Business Planning
Financial Statements